Briefing Book
We want Florida policymakers to have the best information on hand when they make decisions that impact Florida families and our environment.
For every two-year legislative cycle, FCVEF assembles environmental policy briefs from experts all over the state of Florida and compiles them in a book for new and veteran policymakers. This collaborative project focuses on the intersections of policy and priorities among Florida’s diverse array of environmental, community, and social justice organizations. While our goal is to build consensus around policy goals, we also realize and respect where our methods may differ.
Florida is a diverse state–geographically, politically, culturally, and socio-economically. In addition to the diversity of its people, the environmental concerns of South Florida may differ from those of Central and/or North Florida. Rural priorities may be different from those who live in metropolitan areas, or inland dwellers versus coastal. Because of this inherent complexity, we feel it is important for policymakers to understand both the environmental challenges of their region as well as those of the larger state. No legislator can be an expert in all fields of study, which is why we provide them our Briefing Book, so that they have the best and most current information with which to make decisions that will affect all Florida families.
Through collaboration and consensus building, FCVEF reaches out to the top experts in the fields of Clean Energy and Climate, Water Policy, Public and Conservation Lands, and Democracy, to solicit policy recommendations on the topics most pressing to Florida families. These briefs are assembled into a 50-page, full-color document, which is then printed and distributed to lawmakers, media, and educational and partner organizations. Additionally, this book is made available online to the public and to our supporters to assist them in their own advocacy efforts. Here you will find our most current briefing book, along with those issues from past years.