Digital Organizing
At FCVEF we believe that all Floridians should be able to participate in the electoral process as well as policy decisions that happen outside of elections. FCVEF follows closely along with the decisions made during the Florida Legislative Session and we are committed to bringing our members along during this process.
Digital Organizing focuses on using digital tools to build power within our communities. This is done through sharing our stories, training and organizing our members to take action with us based on their shared values, experiences and interests. This form of digital organizing focuses on mobilizing our base to enact change to further FCVEF’s goals and priorities. We take a top down approach in mobilizing our members around the issues we are prioritizing. This is different from community organizing, which seeks to mobilize from the ground up using solutions proposed by the community and develop grassroots leadership.
We organize as a way to hold policymakers accountable, demand accountability from decision makers and to incite policy change to further our mission of protecting our environment and healthy communities for everyone. Digital organizing uses a variety of digital tools to build power, such as our social media platforms, peer-to-peer text messaging, targeted emails and digital ads. FCVEF uses these tools to mobilize our members along the path to make a change as we fight for Florida’s environment. Our organizers engage with our members through regular volunteer welcome calls, volunteer engagement events, and using direct lines of communication to energize our base and deepen our impact.